
November 26, 2018 | Press Release

End-of-Year Activity at the Council


Replacing lead pipes

My Lead Water Service Line Replacement and Disclosure Amendment Act creates a voucher program to help low income residents replace lead water service lines leading to their homes. It also requires DC Water to replace lead water service lines on private property with the consent on the owner whenever it replaces lead water service lines on public property. If DC Water already replaced lead water service lines on public property, private property owners will be eligible for payment assistance to replace their remaining private portion of the lead service line. It also has new disclosure requirements for lead pipes. The bill had unanimous support at its first vote and a final approval vote is expected in the coming weeks.

Giving ANCs more resources to evaluate development projects

I recently introduced a bill to give ANCs a professional development staffer to review and consult on development deals that come before our ANCs. Some ANC commissioners have told me it’s hard to tell if communities are getting a fair deal out of developers, especially when it comes to the amount of affordable housing provided in Planned Unit Development projects. There can also be difficulty tracking community benefits. This bill hires real estate/development professionals in the Office of ANCs to provide support and analysis for commissioners who request it. It also creates a public database of community benefits that tracks their status. The Development Expertise for ANCs Act was recently covered by the City Paper

Expanding language access

I co-introduced the Language Access for Education Amendment Act which expands the District government agencies that must provide language access services to include the Council, Department of General Services, and Mayor’s Office of Community Affairs. It also requires the Office of Human Rights to publish an annual report of all violations of existing language access rules in the District. It establishes a new rule regarding when local education agencies must designate a language access coordinator; and establishes penalties for violations. The bill had unanimous support at its first vote and a final approval vote is expected in the coming weeks.

Evictions Bill

The Eviction with Dignity Act reforms our residential eviction procedures to set standards that are more respectful of tenants who otherwise might lose access to personal property. The bill provides 7 days after the time of eviction for the tenant to access their personal property remaining in the rental unit to remove from the unit. The landlord must provide at least 16 hours within these 7 days, between the hours of 8am and 6pm, over a period of no more than 2 days (excluding Sundays and federal holidays but must grant access on Saturday if the evicted tenant requests it). During debate, I proposed an amendment that would have created stronger notice requirements to create more clarity in incidents of evictions, but the amendment was not approved. The bill had unanimous support at its first vote and a final approval vote is expected in the coming weeks.

Reducing barriers to prosecuting sex abuse

I co-introduced the Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations Eliminations Act to eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for sexual abuse and child sex abuse. We know that it can take years for survivors of sexual abuse to process their experience and come forward to press charges against their abuser. Eliminating the criminal statute of limitations gives survivors more time than our current law. The bill passed its first vote and a final approval vote is expected in the coming weeks.


Brianne on Your Block 

Join me for my monthly Brianne on Your Block community office hours. This is an opportunity to drop by and discuss concerns, ideas, and feedback with me in an informal setting:

Where: NuVegan Café (2928 Georgia Avenue NW)

When: Today, Monday, November 26, 2018

Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm


Mark your calendars! In December, Brianne on Your Block will be in Shaw:

Where: Calabash Tea & Tonic  (1847 7th Street NW)

When: Monday, December 17, 2018

Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm


The District Department of Transportation and the Mayor have announced which Ward 1 alleys will be repaved as part of Alleypalooza this coming year:

  • 3546 6th St NW 
  • 1018 Irving St NW (Williams Alley) 
  • 2712 11th St NW 
  • 1200 Florida Ave NW/1250 Florida Ave NW 
  • 2133 15th St NW (Complete) 
  • 2007 Vermont Ave NW 
  • 2009 8th St NW (Complete) 

There are several other alleys that I brought to DDOT’s attention that will get attention though not a full resurfacing. These include the Adams Mill alley between Columbia and Lanier (DDOT’s Infrastructure Project Management Division is investigating the need for additional drainage infrastructure for storm water) and 1022 Fairmont (will get a patching).